Standard terms and conditions
Standard terms and conditions
These standard terms and conditions apply to any legal advice and other services provided by Lassen Ricard, unless otherwise agreed with the client.
Please state invoice number or reference number in connection with transfers.
Transfers from Denmark:
Danske Bank 4183 account no. 3102 056701
Transfers from abroad:
Danske Bank
Commercial Dept.
(Erhvervsafdelingen Nytorv)
Frederiksberggade 1, 2, P.O. Box 2023
DK-1012 Copenhagen K
IBAN no. DK91 3000 3102 0567 01
Central Business Register no.:
16 72 56 41

Lassen Ricard law firm is organised as a Danish limited liability company. All attorneys at Lassen Ricard have been admitted to practise law by the Danish Ministry of Justice and are registered with and members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
All attorneys at Lassen Ricard are subject to the Danish Bar and Law Society’s supervisory and disciplinary system and the best practice rules for attorneys, see s.126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. Also, the Danish Bar and Law Society’s Code of Conduct applies.
The rules that specifically apply to the professional conduct of attorneys are available on the Danish Bar and Law Society’s website,
Lassen Ricard provides professional counselling based on the client’s specific needs for legal assistance. The scope of the assignment will be agreed with the client, and during the assignment we will be acting on the basis of, and in compliance with, the client's instructions, unless the instructions would contravene statutory law or the best practice rules for attorneys.
Before undertaking a new assignment, we will ensure that there is no conflict of interest preventing Lassen Ricard from accepting the assignment.
In accordance with the Danish Bar and Law Society's rules, Lassen Ricard has an internal protocol setting out the procedures to be observed when deciding whether there is a conflict of interest.
However, subject to the prevailing rules on conflicts of interest, providing legal advice and other services to a client does not prevent Lassen Ricard from advising other companies within the same line of business as the client.
At Lassen Ricard, we work together in a manner that takes into consideration the client’s individual needs. Lassen Ricard does not have a structure of fixed departments but composes flexible teams that are adjusted to each client and assignment.
One or more partners will be attached to the assignment as the client’s primary contact(s), and the responsible partner(s) will decide whether to involve other attorneys and assistant attorneys.
Other persons may be involved, for example, to clarify particular legal aspects of the assignment. Collaboration with others will, however, be subject to specific agreement with the client.
At Lassen Ricard the client is guaranteed complete confidentiality. All attorneys and other employees are subject to a duty of confidentiality regarding any information received from or about a client.
We attach great importance to treating any information we receive as confidential, even after completion of an assignment. The duty of confidentiality is, however, subject to applicable law and regulations imposing on Lassen Ricard a duty to provide information to public authorities or others, e.g., the anti-money laundering rules.
Our fees are calculated on the basis of a specific assessment of such factors as the time spent, the complexity of the assignment and the expertise applied in connection with our assistance, whether the assignment has required work to be done under considerable time pressure, the interest that the assignment represents to the client, the results achieved, and the responsibility involved.
VAT will be added to the fees where required under the Danish Act on Value Added Tax.
It may be difficult to provide an estimate of the fees prior to the assignment. However, we will be pleased – at the client’s request - to inform the client of the basis on which our fees will be calculated or to provide a reasoned fee estimate.
Our fees do not include disbursements or other relevant expenses in connection with the services provided, including court fees and fees payable to official registers for transcripts, certificates, etc. The client will be charged separately for such disbursements or expenses.
All client funds are deposited in client accounts held at our bank, Danske Bank A/S. If funds are deposited in a separate, designated client account, the client will receive any accrued interest, and any negative interest will be deducted from the account by the bank. If client funds are deposited in Lassen Ricard's client pooling account, no interest will accrue.
Deposits in client accounts are subject to the general rules on deposit guarantee under which the current maximum coverage is EUR 100,000 comprising all accounts held by the client at the bank in question. Lassen Ricard assumes no liability for any deposits in client accounts if Danske Bank becomes unable to pay out deposits.
Lassen Ricard usually invoices on a quarterly basis.
Our terms of payment are 14 days from the invoice date, and they are specified in the invoice. In case of late payment, interest may be added in accordance with the Danish Act on Interest.
In cases covered by the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (the "Anti-Money Laundering Act"), we are obliged to conduct a client verification procedure. This may include obtaining information (especially identification information) about our clients from the clients themselves and from third parties, including public authorities, banks, etc. It is a condition for our work for the client that we receive adequate information, and that the information does not imply that our assistance would contravene the Anti-Money Laundering Act or any other applicable law.
Under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, we may be obliged to disclose information about our clients to public authorities if there is a suspicion or reasonable cause to believe that transactions or activities contravene the Act. We are also obliged to keep any information of relevance to the Anti-Money Laundering Act for five years after completion of our work for the client, including personal data collected in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act.
If the client deposits amounts in our client account, the client accepts, in doing so, that we may share the client's name and other identification information with our bank. This is due to the fact that Danish banks are required under the Anti-Money Laundering Act to know the origin of such amounts.
Lassen Ricard processes personal data in compliance with our privacy policy, which is available here
The client and Lassen Ricard may terminate an assignment at any time.
Termination by Lassen Ricard must be effected in accordance with the Danish Bar and Law Society’s Code of Conduct, whereby an attorney is not to withdraw from a case in such a way and under such circumstances that the client is prevented from seeking alternative legal assistance without undue delay or other adverse effects.
If an assignment is terminated before its expected completion, Lassen Ricard will be entitled to payment of fees and compensation for expenses for the period until such termination.
Lassen Ricard stores all documents and case files for five years from completion of an assignment. Lassen Ricard is then entitled to destroy the documents and case files for the purpose of complying with data protection rules. Lassen Ricard may elect to store documents and case files for a longer period if it is considered necessary in order to be able to document the work performed and if it is in accordance with appliable laws.
Under bye-laws 61 and 62 of the Bye-Laws of the Danish Bar and Law Society, all attorneys in Denmark must be covered by a professional indemnity insurance and must provide a guarantee covering any unauthorised use of trust funds. Where a law office is conducted in corporate form, the professional indemnity insurance and the guarantee must also cover the incorporated law office. Also, the professional indemnity insurance must cover all legal services, wherever provided. All attorneys at Advokataktieselskabet Lassen Ricard, Central Business Reg. No. (CVR) 16 72 56 41 (Lassen Ricard), and Lassen Ricard, have taken out professional indemnity insurance and are covered by a guarantee with the Tryg insurance company, policy no. 600-110-294, which meets these requirements.
In accordance with the general rules of Danish law, all attorneys at Lassen Ricard, and Lassen Ricard, are liable for any loss suffered by the client as a result of our services. In our capacity as Danish attorneys we advise on Danish legal matters only.
A client may only bring claims against Lassen Ricard, and not against Lassen Ricard's owners or employees.
Lassen Ricard is not liable for any errors committed by other advisors to whom we have referred the client; also, we are not liable for any errors committed by subcontractors to whom we have, by agreement with the client, delegated parts of the assignment.
Our liability does not cover operating losses, loss of time, loss of profits, loss of goodwill or reputation, or any similar indirect losses. Nor does the liability extend to loss of data.
Our liability is limited to a maximum of DKK 25,000,000 per client per year.
At Lassen Ricard, we place great emphasis on performing our services in accordance with the best practice rules on professional conduct and the Danish Bar and Law Society’s Code of Conduct. It is, therefore, important for us to have an open dialogue and good communications with the client throughout an assignment in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
In case of any disagreement in connection with our assistance or the general handling of a matter, the client may at any time contact the responsible partner to discuss the matter and to seek a solution to the disagreement through dialogue.
The client may also file a complaint about our services or fees with the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society. Guidelines for filing complaints and relevant forms are available from the Danish Bar and Law Society’s website:
Any dispute between the client and Lassen Ricard is subject to Danish law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Danish courts.
Most recently updated on 9 March 2023