Steen Lassen is an experienced international business lawyer and arbitrator, acting both as chairman of arbitral tribunals and as party-appointed arbitrator.
The Minister for Economic Affairs appointed Steen Lassen as a member of a 3-person finance expert group tasked with investigating whether the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority had complied with applicable legislation, and in that connection inspecting the ten largest financial institutions in Denmark.
The Minister for Culture appointed Steen Lassen as a member of the bills committee preparing legislation on the securing and preservation of evidence relative to infringements of intellectual property rights.
Steen Lassen acted as legal advisor to the Danish Prime Minister concerning the investigation by the Tax Deduction Commission; as legal advisor to the Speaker of the Danish Parliament concerning the investigation by the Farum Commission; as legal advisor to the Permanent Secretary of State for the Prime Minister’s Office in relation to the investigation by the Stateless Commission; and as legal advisor to the former Permanent Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Tibet Commission.